Peer Review Policy

The Indus Journal of Medical and Health Sciences (IJMH) follows a double-blind peer review process. This means that the identity of the authors is concealed from the reviewers, and the identity of the reviewers is concealed from the authors. This helps to ensure that the reviews are fair and objective.

The peer review process for IJMH is as follows:

  1. The editor or an associate editor will assess the submitted manuscript to see if it is within the scope of the journal and meets the journal's editorial criteria.
  2. If the manuscript is accepted for peer review, it will be assigned to two or three independent reviewers.
  3. The reviewers will be experts in the field of the manuscript.
  4. The reviewers will provide their comments and recommendations to the editor.
  5. The editor will make a decision based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations.

The possible decisions that the editor can make are:

  • Reject the manuscript. This is usually done if the manuscript is not original, if it is not well-written, or if it does not meet the journal's editorial criteria.
  • Request revisions. This is done if the manuscript has some potential but needs to be improved. The author(s) will be given the opportunity to revise the manuscript and resubmit it.
  • Accept the manuscript for publication. This is done if the manuscript is of high quality and meets the journal's editorial criteria.

The peer review process for IJMH is designed to ensure that the highest quality research is published in the journal. The journal is committed to providing a fair and objective review process for all submitted manuscripts.

Here are some additional details about the peer review process for IJMH:

  • The reviewers are asked to provide their comments and recommendations within 4 weeks.
  • The editor will make a decision on the manuscript within 8 weeks of receiving the reviewers' comments.
  • The authors will be notified of the editor's decision within 10 weeks of receiving the reviewers' comments.

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript to IJMH, please visit the journal's website for more information.